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Happy new year

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Happy new year

Unread postby Halvaxaby » Fri 27 Jan 2012, 03:23

HAPPY NEW YEAR all. Why for some is it all about money, there are much more important things in life such as health, love, and happiness. Apart from this bloody cough ive got all 3

Re: Happy new year

Unread postby Tinctol » Fri 03 Feb 2012, 18:46

Halvaxaby wrote: Apart from this bloody cough ive got all 3

You're a lucky one! :smt002

PS: Can you write in your profile: " AUS + the name of your location" please, thanks a lot :idea: :wink:
Ne cherche pas à te venger de ton ennemi... Assieds-toi tranquillement sur le bord de la rivière et bientôt, tu verras passer son cadavre...
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