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You're welcome!!

Unread postMessage posted...: Tue 09 Mar 2004, 11:46

Welcome to our friends from Germany, Nederland, Sweden, Italy or Spain... :wink:

Unread postMessage posted...: Tue 09 Mar 2004, 11:48
by Imitator92
You just forget Belgium, Norway, Canada, USA and GReat Britain wich visit us sometimes

Unread postMessage posted...: Tue 09 Mar 2004, 13:40
by stephane
:) The most international place for your speaking corner : it's dendrogrove now! :wink:

Unread postMessage posted...: Mon 19 Apr 2004, 19:22
by Guest

i´m Peter from Holland. and i am just starting with poissonarrowfrogs.. next week i´m getting my first couple of 4 D. Ventrimaculatus. I´m realy looking forward too this.

I hope i will learn a lot of you all. I post this is the English corner because i don´t understand France.

by the way, what i nice site Dendro´s grove is... very nice..

regards Peter k. :D :D

Unread postMessage posted...: Tue 20 Apr 2004, 11:27
by Imitator92
Welcome Peter
Here you can always find some advices if you need help
I hope that this site will be soon translated into English, German, Dutsch and Italian but it's a great job to do :)

Unread postMessage posted...: Sat 24 Apr 2004, 11:19
by Anonymous

tomorrow i´m getting my 4 Ventrimaculatus. I can´t wait!!! :D :D

Anybody some tips for me about Ventri´s??

I got a nice terrarium for them, i will post some pictures soon.

have a great weekend!!!

greats Peter k.

Unread postMessage posted...: Sun 26 Dec 2004, 22:01
by dendro59
welcome kim

Unread postMessage posted...: Mon 27 Dec 2004, 09:42
by xrank
welcome :P

Unread postMessage posted...: Wed 27 Apr 2005, 11:07
by quadricornis
Welkom Peter en veel geluk met de nieuwe diertjes :wink:
en ja er zijn zelf nederlandstaligen uit belgië